Wargaming codes world of warships 1 20 2018
Wargaming codes world of warships 1 20 2018

Some mods are great at making fun Diablo fights that are telegraphed and just as deadly however fair and are truly player skill focused. Enemies attempt to be overpowering at all times and their only counter is overpowering them first. Median relies on shock and awe mechanics. who had the bright idea of increasing the difficulty THIS much? pyromancer enemy which can hurt you badly simply by being NEAR you. WHY is this mod THIS much harder now? invincibility on act 3 monsters until you kill a specific nearby type of monster. diablo is like something out of the 3rd diff mod dungeons now. I mean, yeah, we're using necromancers and expected it to be hard but we could AT LEAST make it to 2nd difficulty diablo as necros in 1.8. Seriously, since when is median xl a kaizo mod from the FIRST Fing difficulty?! OUR PORTALS HAVE BONE CAGES ON THEM SO WE CAN'T EVEN MOVE WHEN WE SPAWN BACK INTO THE FIGHT! add to it, the fact that elemental damage from monsters is now a LOT higher in 2.0 (act 3 is a nightmare now and just straight up bullshit) He's constantly spawning more monsters and the moment we set foot through our partals we get stomped to death. Me and a friend just got to him and we have 2 town portals we were going to juggle since we already knew we'd die a lot but this is seriously too much.

Wargaming codes world of warships 1 20 2018