Redfall e3 clip
Redfall e3 clip

redfall e3 clip

Screenshot from the "Forza Horizon 5" trailer, showcasing the Mercedes AMG project One Forza Edition car. The latter will also be added to Xbox Game Pass at launch. Microsoft confirmed that the free multiplayer component will debut alongside Halo Infinite in August. At the same time, there are a few new additions to keep things feeling fresh, including a grappling hook that promises to dramatically shake up matches.

redfall e3 clip

343 IndustriesĪnother thing we learned from today's presentation is that the Halo Infinite multiplayer component will be available for free, packaged separately from the story campaign.ĭivided up into seasons of content, in a manner similar to Fortniteor Call of Duty: Warzone, the revamped multiplayer is endeavoring to attract a new audience, whilst still appealing to old-school fans of the series.įrom the trailer, we can witness the return of iconic Halo game modes like "Capture the Flag" and "Oddball," glimpse some classic weapons in action, and even hear the beloved kill spree announcer making his usual baritone exclamations. Official artwork for the "Halo Infinite" free to play multiplayer. Halo Infinite Joins the Free to Play Trend While that is not much to go on, it does imply that Starfield will be one of the developer's most ambitious outings yet. According to Bethesda executive Todd Howard, the game has been 25 years in the making and is only now possible thanks to recent technological breakthroughs with Xbox hardware. In terms of the Starfield footage itself, it was just a cinematic trailer and we cannot glean too much from it, other than that the plot will concern an intergalactic quest for discovery. In addition to this, Microsoft was able to reveal that Starfield, along with 27 of the 30 games displayed at today's conference, will be available through the Xbox Game Pass service at launch, which is yet another huge win for the company.

redfall e3 clip

Nevertheless, the fact that the space exploration title will not be coming to PlayStation is still a major bombshell. The information that Bethesda's Starfieldwill be an Xbox and PC exclusive leaked online merely 20 minutes before the official announcement at E3. Picture shows an astronaut preparing for launch in the new "Starfield" teaser trailer.

Redfall e3 clip